The Procedure

Before my surgery I had to do a few things:
Make sure I had everything I needed since I was going to be at the hospital for a few days. (Drinks, snacks, magazines, phone charger, tooth brush etc.... you can find a list of things you'll need if you Google search something like "what to bring to the hospital for after surgery". Thats what I did.)
Take care of school work ahead of time.
The night before you have to stop eating food and drinking milk after midnight. I was allowed to drink water and juice up until two hours before my surgery the next day.

The Morning of the Surgery
I checked in and was given a pre-op room. They sent the anesthesia nurse , the surgeons, and the anesthesiologist. I was told about the risks of anesthesia and signed a couple forms. I was then taken into the room of the surgery. I remember lying there a little in shock about all of the surroundings. They gave me the option to have the gas to breathe in before an IV or anything. I took the gas, and I was out really fast. They also gave me the option to have a drink of what they called "goofy juice" to help take the edge off before I went into to the OR. I decided against it because I wanted to see the room, but I think it could be beneficial for younger children.

When I woke up I was in a lot of pain and really upset. I don't remember much about the first couple of days except that the dilaudid they gave me for the pain had some side effects. It made me nauseous so I didn't eat anything at first. Also, I had some apnea the first nights because it made me so sedated.

Results were immediate and I didn't even recognize my own chest. It was amazing. I didn't have any feeling for a few days, which is normal because the nerves in the area are severed. The incisions are on my sides right next to where the underwire of a bra would be on your sides. I also have some really small incisions below those where they inserted the camera.


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  2. Hi! I am a 21 year old female and had one bar put in when I was 15. I had the bar removed when I was 18. My chest has sunk back in, but I now I notice it affecting my breathing again. I went to the doctor last week for X-rays and after seeing the results, my surgeon asked to see this week. I notice you have two bars and I have been trying to learn more about two bars before seeing my surgeon. To your knowledge, is it common?

    1. My surgeon told me that it is common in adult patients because the sternum has become more fixated and needs additional reinforcement.

  3. I am the mother of a 28 year old daughter. She is getting the Nuss procedure Sept 20 at the Mayo hospital in AZ. I would like to hear from some mothers or caregivers about what to expect and how to help. I am so worried about my daughter. We live in NC but are traveling to AZ in order to have Dr. J. do the procedure. Did anyone have problems flying home 3 weeks later ?
